As a student taking the Learn Morse KC course, you will require a
radio that can access the 145.17MHz KØGQ repeater in Raytown MO. We all
owe a special thank you to the Raytown Amateur Radio Club for agreeing
to host this morse code course on their repeater. Since everyone that
is enrolled so far is already licensed, it's very likely that you
already have the necessary transceiver. If you don't already have a VHF
radio, you will need to acquire one.
Please test your ability to
reliably hear and hopefully communicate over the Raytown repeater. If you need assistance setting up your station to communicate with this repeater, first try to contact hams that live in your area for their
advice. If you don't know who lives in your area that could help you
drop me an email, and I'll do my best to put you in touch with an
appropriate mentor (what we hams call an "Elmer".) Outdoor antennas as
high up as practical are usually the best answer to such problems.
There are numerous creative ways to put VHF antennas up high, even in
neighborhoods that restrict antennas. Obviously, you won't get much
from the course if you cannot access the repeater well.
Feel free to
drop an email to learnmorsekc at gmail dot com and I will do my best to answer any questions you
may have and advise you on possible solutions. This is the highest
priority issue for everyone. More important than any additional posts on this blog.
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