Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Session 14, July 31 with Recording

New Characters Introduced:

F  G         ?

Comprehensive list of all characters introduced so far:

E T A O N R I S D K Q W H C V Y U B L M 7 P X F G
0 1 3 5 7 8 9               ?

New Abbreviations and Prosigns:

TY (Thank You) 
TU (Thank You)
TNX  (Thanks)
PSE  (Please)
RPT  (Repeat) usually, but sometimes (Report)
AGN  (Again)
XCVR (Transceiver)
XMIT (Transmit)
XTAL  (Crystal)
HR  (Here)
PWR  (Power)
FB  (Fine Business)
GM  (Good Morning)
GA  (Good Afternoon)
GE  (Good Evening)
GN  (Good Night)
WX  (Weather)

Comprehensive list of Abbreviations and Prosigns so far:

73  (best wishes)
88  (hugs and kisses) 
AA (All After)
AGN (again) 

AR (end of message)
AS (wait)
BT (pause, also double dash --)
CQ (Calling anyone)
DN (down)
ES (and)

FB (fine business)
GA (good afternoon)

GE (good evening)
GM (good morning)
GN (good night)
HI  (Laughter) (never use more than 3 in a row)
HR (here)

HW (how)
HW? (how copy?)
K  Invitation for any station to respond.
KN ('over' to specific station)
NR (Number)
PSE (Please)

PWR (Power)
R (Roger)
RPT (Repeat)

RU (are you)
(end of QSO)
SRI (sorry)
TNX (thanks)

TU (Thank You) (most common)
TY (Thank You)
UR  (your, you're)
VVV  (attention)
VY  (very)

WX (weather)
XCVR (transceiver)
XMIT (transmit)
XTAL (crystal)
Y (yes)
__ underline indicates prosign where characters are run together.

Comprehensive list of Q Signals so far:

QNI (Net Check-In Invitation.)
QRL (frequency in use)
QRN (Static, or Natural Noise)
QRP (decrease power)
QRO (increase power)
QRQ (send faster)
QRS (Send Slower)
QRT (Closing Station.)
QRU (I have nothing for you, no traffic)
QRV (ready)
QSB (fading)
QSK (Break-in mode.)
QSL (certify contact)
QSO (A contact or a conversation)
QST ("Calling all Radio Amateurs")
QSY  (change frequency)
QTC  (messages to relay)
QTH  (Location)
QTR  (time)

Nouns Verbs Other
breakfast forecasting coaxial
designator aligning spurious
g5rv refract and
Elecraft aggregate the
Gonset flagging a
Hallicrafters   emerge to
ionosphere functioned yeah
dipole logging in
simplex engineering     so
duplex prefiltering but
ferrite dispatch on
filament radiate or
capacitance rotate not
capacitor rotator well
experiment receive about
dummyload transmit oh
radio transceive really
tower vertical uh
rotor shortwave at
rotator beam there
receiver years my
transceiver know not
shortwave do with
resistor is when
code like can
battery have then
I was as
you think out
that are kind
it mean because
they dont now
we be how
its would their
what had more
all see too
thats dont okay
one did very
them work up
people even been
this were into
some go other
Im got and
lot get our
he guess his
me going by

Session 14, July 31 Recording 

See Everyone Friday 7pm


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