Friday, July 5, 2019

The importance of enrolling instead of just listening to #learnmorsekc

I would like to take a moment to express the importance of actually enrolling in the LearnMorseKC course, instead of just listening and lurking behind the scenes.

It is a given that each individual learns in slightly different ways.  While the overall lessons should provide a good foundation to work from.  That may not always be sufficient for every individual. 

As the instructor, I will not ONLY be presenting the lessons over the repeater 4 days per week, but I will also be monitoring as many over the air practice sessions between classes that students have with each other that I possibly can.   This will allow me to monitor how everyone is progressing and adjust the group's lesson plans accordingly, but it also will allow me to offer custom suggestions and creative special exercises tailored to the individual, often via email.

If someone is not enrolled I will not be able to track their progress and offer this kind of individualized custom assistance that often has made all the difference in the past when I have taught morse code classes.

I don't claim to be a magician or have any special superpowers.  Millions of people have learned morse code without my help, and millions more will do so.  If your choice is to learn on your own, I not only wish you well, but enthusiastically cheer for you from afar.  Anyone who learns morse code is a great Ham Operator in my book.

On the other hand, if the idea of receiving formal instruction with the group over the repeater, as well as gaining some custom lessons as may be appropriate in your case appeals to you.  Please make sure you enroll.  I will do my best to help you.

To enroll, please send an email to:

Take it from a very wise man and CW operator, Bob Kimbrell, W0AO, who says:

"You are now starting on a great adventure.  If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right."

I don't think anyone has ever said it better.

See everyone Monday evening on the Raytown Repeater!


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