Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Session Ø2, July 1Ø, with recording.

Another fun morse code class.

I hope everyone learned a lot and enjoyed themselves.

Tonight we introduced the number:


Comprehensive list of all characters introduced so far:


Tonight was a demonstration of the importance of practice.
To be able to learn new characters as they are introduced, the previous characters need to have been repeated enough times such that they are beginning the process of becoming automatic reactions in your subconscious brain. Insufficient practice will cause difficulty in absorbing new characters.

It's is absolutely CRITICAL to practice between classes.  Developing the habitual subconscious reactions to the code requires many repetitions.  Simply put, there is no getting around that.  Give your brain the repetitions it needs to develop the subconscious habits.

Dial up the 145.17MHz Raytown repeater, pick up your microphone, ID your station, and ask for a morse code practice partner.  Send a few characters with your code practice oscillator to get everyone's attention.

If nobody answers, leave your radio sitting on that frequency, turn up the volume, and tend to whatever needs to be done around the house.  When someone else gets on the repeater asking for a morse code practice partner, join them.

What times of day are best for code practice?  Anytime is good.

  • Wake up in the morning and practice morse code for 15 minutes as you drink your morning coffee.
  • Take 15 minutes out of your lunch hour, and use that to practice morse code.
  • Spend 15-30 minutes practicing code as you get home from work and need to unwind.  Remember, you are supposed to relax when copying morse code.  Relaxing when you get home from work should be a natural activity.  Relax with morse code.
  • Spend 15-30 minutes after dinner practicing morse code.
  • Skip a TV program and practice morse code instead.
  • Spend 15-30 minutes before going to bed as way to relax away the stresses of your day.
  • Perhaps you can think of another time of day that's good for you?  Try it!

Session Ø2 recording, July 10


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