New Characters Introduced:
. , /
Comprehensive list of all characters introduced:
E T A O N R I S D K Q W H C V Y U B L M 7 P X F G J Z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ? . , /
This completes the character set we will be introducing for this introductory morse code course. There are more characters in International Morse Code than these, but the above are all that are needed for someone to get on the air and start making a lot of contacts, which is the fundamental goal of this course. If you wish to learn more characters, I encourage you to do so. Feel free to look them up and learn them. By now, you certainly know how to introduce a new character to yourself after having experienced it from me 40 times. Send a new character to yourself over your code practice oscillator repeatedly as I sent new characters to you during this course. Work with the rhythm, not visually. I consider those additional characters something more appropriate for an advanced morse code course, or for personal study after the above characters are mastered. Those additional characters are not required to get you on the air making contacts, so I won't cover them as part of this course.
Don't fool yourself. Just because we are finished introducing characters doesn't mean you have learned them yet. It's critical to keep practicing so that the most recently introduced characters have sufficient time and practice repetitions to become permanently en-grained reactions.
Keep your foot on the gas.
The course will now transition to a review of the entire character set, and to teaching life long habits that will help you continuously improve your accuracy and speed. The learning process never ends in Morse Code.
We also will discuss the appropriate final preparations needed to get on the air and start making contacts.
Finally, I offer myself as your guide to help you through your first contact, or your first few contacts if you wish. This is not a requirement, but an option. If you would like for me to listen on the same HF frequency, copy code along side you as you make your first contact or two, I would be happy to help. I can be available to offer appropriate assistance via a repeater, or via other voice communications systems as appropriate.
The goal will be to build your skills and confidence to the point where you will be ready to fly solo.
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