Friday, August 23, 2019

Session 25, August 23 with Recording. Final Session

Final Class session.

My efforts to help you will continue.  From this point forward my assistance will take the form of Elmering and Tutoring.


I am counting on each of you to get in touch with me when you need help.  I am not psychic.  I won't know you are struggling, have questions, or need assistance if you do not tell me.  You know how to get ahold of me.
145.17MHz Raytown Repeater
145.13MHz Shrine Repeater

We will work out what makes sense to deal with the situation you find yourself.


The final exam for this course is to get on HF, and make a contact.  Show me a QSL card you receive.  If you do that, you pass the course!

The test is open book in that you can use whatever notes and cheat sheets you want to.

For anyone that sends me a scan or a photo of a QSL card from a contact they make and if they grant me permission, I would love to create a blog post with a gallery of student's first few CW contacts. 

All the material required for you to get on the air and make contacts has been covered.  You know what you need to know.

If you are not already on the air, the only limiting factors preventing you from getting on the air are building up sufficient speed and confidence such that you are willing to be courageous and do it, and in some cases building an HF station to use.

Beware of your own desire for perfection.

Working to constantly improve your speed, accuracy, and skill is a great attitude, but do not allow that attitude to develop into an unhealthy expectation of perfection.  None of us will ever be perfect.  We all will always have areas where we can improve.

Your goal should be to get on the air.  You are the one that will decide when and where that happens.  You are the one that will decide who might be on hand to assist you, if anyone.  Once you get on the air, making contacts will become the best practice ever to improve your skills.

I have enjoyed teaching this course.  I hope everyone found it useful.


WDØERU, David Schulman
WØAIB, Larry Staples
KØGQ, Raytown Amateur Radio Club

WØTBL, Tucker Livingston
WØFEN, Robin Cross
KØCOY, Michael Boyce
ABØO, John Ford
WØAO, Bob Kimbrell
KDØVXN, Chuck Chamberlain
NØGSG, Tom Wheeler
JJ1NJM, JD Batchelor
KØDMT, Travis Wilson
KEØVVT, Caleb Herbert
WØCCJ, Pete Jackson

Samuel F. B. Morse
He played a rather huge role in making this course happen too.

Most of all, Thank You to the students.   You are the reason this course was held.   The world is now literally at your fingertips waiting for you to make contact.

For those of you who stuck with it and saw the process to the end, Your persistence and perseverance is paying off.  WELL DONE!  Now go finish the job.  You worked hard to get to this point.  It's time to reward yourself by getting on the air.  GO FOR IT!

Session 25, August 23 Recording


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